The Mary Murray & The Shah of Iran's Yacht
Chris left an interesting comment on my Raritan River post. He asked about the abandoned boats on the river's edge, pictured to the right. I'll tackle those boats one at a time:- The Mary Murray was a Staten Island ferry boat, commissioned in 1937 and named after Mary Lindley Murray, who helped the American troops during the Revolutionary War by distracting the British officers and her Crown-loyal husband. The boat was sold at auction in 1982 to a man who owned a marina in East Brunswick. He planned to turn it into a floating restaurant, but it sank before he managed to get to its final destination. I found some great old photos from when the boat could carry people and stay afloat.
Here's a site with some photos of the inside.- The yacht next to the Mary Murray did used to belong to the Shah of Iran. As we all know, the last Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, came to the US for "medical treatment" in 1979. The Iranians weren't too happy about to, and we wound up with a hostage crisis. What most people don't know is that the shah never left American soil. After sending a body double to Egypt to fake his "death", he lived on a yacht in the Raritan River, New Jersey.
His boat parties are legendary, and his fondness for Huey Lewis music and Ralph Macchio movies are still the talk of Jersey, but one day, while playing a game of chicken, he accidentally ran his boat aground. Ashamed, he avoided human contact for over a decade, living inside the Mary Murray and living off of egrets. He finally decided to return to life among the civil, and, at 87, he is the oldest bartender at the boat club. He's also become a vegan, which is why the egrets have finally begun to inhabit New Jersey waters once more.
its sad to see the ferry go cause they are now takin it down, ive lived in edison my whole life and grew up around it and its very sad to see it go away its a peice of history in my eyes
I'll confirm that the ferry is being taken down. Paddled out last week, and it looked like the back quarter-half or more of it was gone. Didn't want to poke around too much as the site seemed very active. Maybe some weekend I'll see if I can get inside the yacht.
People do come up with some wild stories.
The shah's boat was brought there MANY years after the marina was closed down, it wasn't left there from when the marina was working. It was purchased by the same gentleman who owned the ferry ( and the marina ). He brought it up from the Carribean, I think St Thomas. It was absolutely beautiful when he brought it up. The story is that the owner, George, was going to run a charter service from NY to Atlantic City but some old boating laws preventing boats manufactured outside the US to be used commercially inside the US prevented him from doing this.
That's the story I heard and it sure sounds more realistic than alot of others I have heard. I think I have a pic I took of a picture when it was in working condition.
The shah had purchased his beloved yacht from legendary LasVegas casino owner Moe Dalitz
I see that yacht alot. I wonder who owns it now?Maybe that state?Its been rusting for years there.
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