Mobile Meteor

Be sure to check out my new site: Mobile Meteor!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Wish Me Luck!

Last night I had a dream that my brother came to visit me in Sydney. In the dream he was very adventurous (not so in reality), so we took an elevator up to the top floor of a very tall building to access the roof. Unfortunately, the only way to access the roof of this building is from the 5th floor. The elevators also go in circles on their way to the top, and the floors criss-cross from one level to another. The building doesn't exist in real life. We wanted to get to the roof so that we could base jump off of it, land in Sydney Harbour and wind up in the paper the next day. Unfortunately, I woke up before we managed to find our way through the labyrinth that leads to the top. After some thought, I took it as a sign to try get a new hosting service. Prohosting has been good to me since 2002, but there are just so many options out there offering far better deals! If the transfer goes well, then there will not be much down time, otherwise, I'll try to have the site repaired as quickly as possible.

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