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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Bennifer Curry

Our friends Jen & Ben live on the other side of Sydney CBD, way up on the 87th floor of Century Tower. The apartment commands a view of Sydney Harbour and an army of Sydney Centurion Tower commandos. Don't ask them about the commandos, they'll insist that this is a lie.

Our next-to-last-most-recent visit was exciting thanks to SAS training on the building next door. Helicopters would fly in low, between the office and apartment buildings, to let trainees drop onto the roof of a building. It's a dangerous task: the helicopters could crash into one of the buildings it narrowly passes or a trainee could slip and fall to his death... but it will all pay off when Fox decides to shoot the next series of 24 in Sydney.

Our most recent visit was exciting because we had people in a bag and destroyed towers ourselves! The people in the bag were only there on paper (sigh) and the towers destroyed were only made of wooden sticks, a la jenga. I did make a helicopter sound after the tower fell over, if that helps.

So what really happened? Ben & Jen organised a fantastic curry night. Everyone brought a curry dish. Rice and side dishes were provided by the hosts... then we ate. Oh, we ate. Shout out to the meat represented at Bennifer's Curry Night:

  • Lamb!! That's right, it would be un-Australian not to include you
  • Beef!! Cheap and reliable, thanks for your continued presence in meals across the world*
  • Chicken!! You clucky bugger, source of so much protein... props! Leg or breast? haha, I'm just kidding
  • Goat!! This can-do, can-eating animal provides excellent flesh to us carnivores willing to cook them
  • Vegetables! Sorry that you only get one exclamation point. Eggplant is cool and all, but it's no goat
*Except places where they don't eat beef.

Photos here.

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