Mobile Meteor

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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

What Happened to My Monday?

Departure from New York was during the late afternoon of Sunday, the 6th of August. A brief layover in Los Angeles held us back from departing for Sydney until shortly before midnight. Upon boarding this flight, we set our clocks and body schedule to Sydney time, in anticipation of crossing the International Date Line. And so we would never come to know Monday, the 7th of August. I do wonder if I would have enjoyed that Monday. It was a Bank Holiday here in New South Wales, Australia. Dana and I probably would have gone to picnic by the beach and fly a kite. Or maybe we would have won the Lottery. On the otherhand, one of us might have been hit by a car... in which case I wouldn't miss Monday the 7th of August so much. So we'll make do with the days that followed and try to forget what might have been. And with this loss of a day, I'll call it quits on time travel... for now.

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