Mobile Meteor

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Monday, August 28, 2006

Fun With Knees

My knee has been swelling up like a water balloon. Rather than wait until it gets worse, I went to a physio after only a few weeks and boy was it worth it! The only other time I went to a physio was when my shoulder was damaged after jumping off of this waterfall:

On that occasion, the gentle doctor used acupuncture and it worked wonders. This new guy wasn't so much into needles but what he did certainly seemed like alternative medicine to me. He beat the hell out me. First he pulled and twisted my leg so much I
though it would break. Then, for about ten minutes, he ironed it with a
smoking hot electric jelly gun. Next he "massaged" it fiercely and at one
point was jumping up and down on my knee as I lay on my side. Finally, for
15 minutes, four big suction-cup vibrators sucked and vibrated while shooting electic pulses into my leg so that it was convulsing the entire time. The swelling went down.

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